1. The Online Poster Competition Contest is being organized by Charan Sparsh Foundation. 2. The Contest closes on 10th February 2024. Entries received outside of these dates will not be valid. 3. This competition is free to enter (no purchase required unless otherwise stated). 4. Entry into the Contest is open to people of all ages. 5. All the entries should be in .pdf formats. 6. The entries could be digital submissions, hand-drawn sketches, paintings with any medium, and illustrations. 7. Entrants might be asked for identification proof if deemed as the winner. 8. Entrants must not be CSF's employee, officer, or agent, or an employee, officer, or agent of any person or organization involved in the competition's running, and you must not be a family relation of any such person. 9. The participant will be required to provide the name, email address, telephone number, and postal address. By submitting contact details, consent will have to be given to these details for the Contest. 10. One entrant can participate only once. Multiple entries from the same entrant will lead to the participant’s disqualification. 11. Once submitted, an entry cannot be withdrawn. 12. Organizers will not accept any responsibility for lost, late or incomplete entries or entries that have not been transmitted due to computer error or any other error. These are beyond the organizer’s reasonable control. Please note proof of submission of the entry is not proof of receipt of the same. 13. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, organizers reserve the right to amend or withdraw the activity at any time. For the avoidance of doubt this includes the right to amend these terms and conditions. The participants are solely responsible to keep themselves updated regarding the same. 14. Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of all of these terms and conditions. 15. Competition entries shall be judged or winners selected based on those criteria specified on our website and social media channels concerning the competition. 16. If a competition entrant does not meet the eligibility requirements or is subject to any entry restrictions, that entrant shall not be entitled to be adjudged a winner and will not be entitled to a prize in any circumstances. 17. Our decision regarding all matters to do with the competition will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into. 18. Indian Legislature will govern the competition, and these terms and conditions and any disputes will be subject to India's courts' exclusive jurisdiction. 19. Competition prize winners will be notified of the competition result by email (if an address is asked for/provided) or by direct message on social media (winners must, therefore 'like' or 'follow' our social media accounts to be contacted about prizes) and will receive the prize at the Road Safety Summit 2024 scheduled on 14th February 2024 at NDMC Convention Centre, New Delhi 20. You warrant to us that you created your competition entries, that you own all of the copyright in those entries, and that our use of the entries in accordance with these rules will not infringe any person's intellectual property rights or other legal rights. In other words, plagiarized content will not be accepted. 21. You grant us an exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and irrevocable license to copy, store, edit, distribute, transmit, and publish your competition entries. 22. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you irrevocable and unconditionally waive your rights to be identified as the author of your competition entries and to object to any derogatory treatment of your competition entries. 23. Competition entries will not be returned. Please, therefore, keep a copy of your competition entries. 24. We may undertake publicity activities relating to competitions and prize awards. 25. Therefore, the winner agrees to the use of their name, photograph, and disclosure of town or region of residence in any post-prize-winning publicity names, surnames, towns or regions of residence and prize details. 26. All other personal details collected as part of the competition will be used in conjunction with our Privacy Policy. 27. This prize competition is run by Charan Sparsh Foundation (CSF). For queries contact, info@charansparsh.in